No matter how small or big, we can do something to bring a bit of wilderness, biodiversity and happiness to urban spaces. Let go of the urge to have everything tidy and embrace nature as intended. These are methods we use in our Rewilding efforts, why not try them in your own garden or community?
They make a fantastic habitat for wildlife and allow hedgehogs and other creatures to roam safely between places. Their seasonal blooms, foliage colours and berries are not just a feast for the eye but also for insects, birds and many other animals.
Densely planted with native tree whips, you can turn even the smallest space into a biodiversity heaven. These tiny forests are carbon sinks, reduce air and noise pollution, bring thermal comfort, reduce flood risk and improve the soil. Our partners for Miyawaki Forests: Dream for Trees
Native meadows provide food, shelter and places to breed for pollinators. They are vital for the survival of insects, are easy to care for and fare much better in dry weather than lawns.
Made of wood prunings, this hedge is very much alive. A habitat to insects and beetles and a rich feeding ground to small mammals such as hedgehogs.
A pond provides drinking and bathing water for birds and mammals. It quickly attracts frogs, newts and insects like pond skaters, diving beetles or damselflies.
Placed in a shady spot, this will become home to moss, fungi, insects and many invertebrates. It will also attracts birds and mammals that prey on the log pile residents.
No leaf blowers please! Instead rake or brush leaves together and create a nice pile for animals in need of shelter from the cold. Leaves are also a perfect mulch and, over time, will create a rich soil.
Not strictly speaking rewilding but an orchard adds so much to a school or community garden. Choose fun heritage varieties (e.g. Christmas Pippin apple) and small trees (M9 rootstock cordons/bushes) to get loads even in a tiny space.
Plant native bluebells, anemones, snakehead fritillaries or snowdrops in a woodland setting for a splash of colour and nectar for insects venturing out in spring.
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