Whittington Estate, Camden

Brutalist architecture and backdrop to TV shows, this housing estate hosts many beds that are neglected by the council. The residents have tended some, but others need a lot of TLC and a bit of healthy soil added. Growing Green is taking over several beds, and we are hoping to inspire residents to get involved and slowly transform the whole estate into a site of beauty, biodiversity & sustainability. Any help is greatly appreciated.
SUMMARY 2024: We have transformed 15 beds, combining fruit trees and soft fruit with wildflowers, perennials, climbers and shrubs - all with biodiversity, beauty and community benefits in mind. For now, we can sit back and watch the plants grow before it's spring bulb planting season in autumn.Update June '24: We have been watching our plants grow - and sadly, some getting munched by slugs. But overall we are over the moon and the residents are happy too. We will keep monitoring the progress and are looking forward to autumn for some bulb planting. n the meanwhile, there are a couple of projects we are trying to tackle before the summer holidays.

Transformation Checklist
  • Soil improvement
  • Drought-resistant plants
  • Pollinator-friendly bulbs and perennials
  • Fruit trees & shrubs for residents
  • Log piles and other habitats
  • Some of the team in front of the orchard
  • The anthemis is a SUPERSTAR
  • Tiarella in a shady bed
  • Loving the colour combo and all insect-friendly
  • Our fave - a dark damp spot has come back to life
  • Spot the butterfly
  • Catnip is another favourite
  • The first apples!
  • Show-stopper
  • Orchard & Wildflower garden
  • Our favourite progress ...
  • ... from dead bamboo to life!
  • Fruit tree blossom
  • Inspecting the beds
  • Happy (mostly)
  • Unexpected joyfulness
  • Herb Garden looks so good!
  • Some wonderful tulips
  • Favourite geranium colour
  • First strawberries
  • You never stop learning ...
  • It's a win-win - they learn, we get their help and money that flows back into the project
    Corporate volunteers from Colt: It's a win-win - they learn, we get their help and money that flows back into the project
  • Brilliant volunteers braving the rain
  • Our new little herb & pollinator garden
  • Goose / Black / Honey / Straw - berries
    Berry Garden Goose / Black / Honey / Straw - berries
  • Before: lazy bamboo
  • During: volunteers clearing the patch
  • Lots of seedlings and seeds
  • Our wettest planting session so far
  • Before: dead bamboo, weeds and overgrown roses
  • apple trees and a purple-orange colour scheme (soon), native hedge & ferns replacing the dead bamboo
    After (for now) apple trees and a purple-orange colour scheme (soon), native hedge & ferns replacing the dead bamboo
  • Feb 24: Orchard & Wildflower Patch
  • Feb 24: Adding plants for pollinators
  • Feb 24: Nick & Capucine hard at work
  • Feb 24: Berries & Flowers for a resident's garden
  • The Team after a hard days work
  • The orchard & Wildflower Patch in February '24
  • Frontal View
  • A pink & purple patch being planted by residents
  • Before - poor soil and suffering evergreen shrubs
  • Our plans
  • The work has begun ...
  • We removed or pruned the shrubs
  • Growing Green team
  • Adding bulbs and pollinator friendly perennials
  • Dead wood is being left for insects
  • Adding more and more spring bulbs
  • - We have to be patient until spring for a burst of colour
    After - additional layer of straw mulch - We have to be patient until spring for a burst of colour

Transformation Process 23/24

We started transforming the first plots ...

  • removing or hard-pruning old shrubs
  • creating log piles
  • in autumn '23 we planted over a hundred spring and summer bulbs and will plant more this autumn
  • planting many perennial flowers that will be loved by bees, butterflies and other pollinators
  • new compost, topsoil & a thick layer of straw mulch ('Strulch') will start healing the soil
  • Apple trees, cherries, gooseberries and currants will benefit the residents in the years to come
What's still to come: more beds will be transformed!!! People ask us if wen can help with their plots too and we are applying for more funds.

What's next?

As a summer project, we want to help a couple of families who have children using the front gardens making them nicer, safer and more beautiful.

Garden 1

Garden 2 + 3