Hampstead School Projects

Hampstead School has ingenious and energetic teachers that want to make the most of the few green spaces - for the students and wildlife. Financial resources are limited but plans are bold and visionary.
UPDATE Winter '22/'23: Growing Green planted 120 trees (13 different native species of small trees and shrubs) and 5 apple trees in early '23.
UPDATE Winter '24: We are currently working on phase 2 of our transformation. We created a new small pond in the hedgehog habitat area and carved out some spaces for wildflowers. The front has been covered with an air-pollution-busting hedge.
UPDATE May '24: Our work on the new student garden has begun with a willow and wildlife hedge. We delivered some church pews, restored by the amazing Wood That Works team, and some logs, also donated by Wood That Works.
Rewilding Strategies
  • Miyawaki mini forest
  • Wildflower meadows
  • Wildlife ponds
  • Hedgehog highways 
  • Log pile / dead hedge
  • Orchard trees
  • Compost heap

New Student Garden

During a visit in November '23 we discovered an unused grassy area that is up for grabs. We have made suggestions to the students and staff and some students drew up some ideas of what the garden could look like. 

Hedgehog Habitat

In February '23, we planted 120 trees that will turn into a mini forest. We added a pond and sowed wildflower seeds.  In future, we want to build a dead hedge and add a hedgehog house to support the local population.
Total cost: about £800

Clean Air Hedge

Planted in December '23: Cotoneaster - top-rated to improve air quality because of its superpowers to trap airborne particles - and many native hedge plants.  We also planted lots of spring bulbs and some fern as undergrowth. Some wildflower seeds will hopefully survivce the heavy footfall and thrive.

Wildflower Meadow

Think & Do planted a wonderful native hedge along the fence. We are hoping to complement that by enriching part of the grass with wildflowers. A second area in the front could also become a wildflower meadow.