La Sainte Union Projects

Waterlogged lawns and flooding of one of the buildings are a problem that need tackling. To help with excess rainwater, we are planting a native hedge that includes a few water-hungry trees. Additionally, we will make use of a south-facing wall and plant fan-trained fruit trees that will be surrounded by a wildflower meadow.
Update February '23: We planted a 140-tree-strong hedge with some very enthusiastic girls who loved the digging
Update May '23: To deal with some ongoing flooding issues, we have found an expert who drew up a plan on how to reduce flooding in an environmentally friendly way. We talked to contractors, need to figure out financed but work will hopefully start in November'24
Rewilding Checklist
  • Native bird-friendly hedge
  • Orchard
  • Wildflower meadow

Beautiful School Grounds with some draining issues

We planted a native hedge that is doing really well along one fence. In the middle you can see part of the waterlogged lawn and beds. Lastly, one of the trees of the mini orchard we planted.